CJMP News - June 3 2016

Jun 4, 2016 by Carrie

This week, Powell River City Council votes to recommend excluding 30 acres from the Agricultural Land Reserve. Councillor CaroleAnn Leishman will be on to explain more about that decision. 

Ioni Wais vistited the Tla'amin Language Circle to learn about and speak the Coast Salish language with elders from the Tla'amin community. Listen for that report. 

Then Sam Sansalone comes on to answer common questions in the fishing world.

We end the show with voices from Powell River Dreams and their dreams for the future.


Weather and tide reports: Erin Innes

Hosts: Peter Harvey, Carrie Swiggum

Engineer: Galen Muma

Production Assistant/Reporter: Ioni Wais 

Download CJMP News - June 3 2016 as MP3